The Well Aware Security Show
Humans are the key to solving our cybersecurity challenges…but first we need them to be Well Aware. The Well Aware Security Show is hosted by George Finney, CISO for SMU and author of the award winning book, Well Aware: Master the Nine Cybersecurity Habits to Protect Your Future. Security is in your DNA…so be Well Aware!
The Well Aware Security Show
For CISOs By CISOs - With Randy Potts, Jamin Shah, and Cecil Pineda
George Finney
Season 1
Episode 14
The cybersecurity habit of the week is Community. Lots of conferences bill themselves as being "For CISOs, by CISOs" but many don't actually live up to the billing of being run or created by CISOs. Randy, Jamin, and Cecil are hoping to change that when it comes to cybersecurity conferences. And along the way, they're hoping to improve their community for the better as well by donating a portion of their proceeds to charity.